Now in our day there are three words that get associated with renewal of the land. They are the three R’s Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. I was all for these 3 until my local garbage service changed the route and now my recycling needs to be to the curb by 6:30 am. That’s early if you are not a morning person. Anyway, I still recycle I just have to plan differently when I put out the recycling.  In our Christian lives, we need times of renewal. Let’s think about renewing our minds in Christ.

     Saul, who later became known as Paul, once thought it was his duty to stamp out Christianity. He later becomes the spokesman for the Christian movement and he pens the following words in his letter to the Corinthians. “Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16.  God is in the business of renewing us.

     We can relate to this statement as we get older.  We notice our bodies changing and our movements and our limitations become more apparent, but that is our finite human body.  We have an inner being, our soul, and it is our responsibility to take care of our inner soul. Paul tells us, that our soul is being renewed day by day if we seek to renew us. If we go back to the 3 R’s reduce, recycle and reuse this can be a recipe for us to follow for renewing of our soul.

     First, reduce the stress in your life. Prayer is our stress release. It changes our neural pathways and reconfigures our brains when we spend only ten minutes a day. It is by casting our cares, our anxiety, our worries on God and receiving peace from God for all that he is doing for us. This also helps the focus to change from what is right before us instead of the scenario’s of what ifs.

     Secondly, recycle, take in scriptures even if they are

ones you read before. Meditate on scripture throughout the day. Recite them in your own words thinking deeply

about the meaning that they have for today. Ask yourself: who or whom is the passage talking to? What were the circumstances surrounding the passage? And then, how will it apply to my life today?

     Thirdly, reuse, share the story that God is writing with your life. Share your coming to faith story, share or reuse the stories where God has met your needs or changed your direction with a new idea, a new direction and how he was faithful in the outcome of this change.

      Lamentations 3: 22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord it never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

                                                          Pastor Bill